Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
clock is ticking!!
Im getting married in less than 10 days!! InsyaAllah..omg!!freakin nerve wracking!!lol..
Im getting married in less than 10 days!! InsyaAllah..omg!!freakin nerve wracking!!lol..
tons to settle..tomorrow me n rizal will need to do lots of stuffs..fitting baju,jumpe suppliers,beli brg etc..aishhhh..
that day sakit gigi dah ok lah sket..kekadang still sakit..aku kene mkn antibiotik jer lah.. x yah pinjam duit mak pun..if x..teruk nak byr balik..LOL..now, I cannot sleep coz just arrived home around 12am..exhausted..
Saturday, September 4, 2010
raya..raya ker?!!sakit gigi mana best raya,,;(
hiye..nak raya!!!uwaaaaa!!!
m not well..AGAIN..huhhh!!hahaha..LOL..since back from melaka's trip on monday..( u can view the trip's details at http://umimarsella.blogspot.com/);p tumpang lalu yer Umi...
bad headache..seriously..can't do any work/whatever..duduk jer..eh!bukan..terbaring jer..doing nothing..ceh!
then,mlm tuh mcm sakit gigi!argh!!yyyyy!!
esk pagi nyer sakit yg mencucuk2 kat some gigi at the same area!!arghhhh!!!my left mouth's area..sakit sgt!!( x puasa ) hv too..nak mkn obat..x tahan..
on friday's nite got appointment with dentist..which x puasa gak..doc said my teeth cracked..but satu jer..gigi geraham..doc tu pasang sumthing yg mcm cincin kat gigi tu to strengthen it but x muat..then,dia letak this sort of round elastic thingy ( looked like rubber band but in blue color ) to separate the gusi lah kan..(n now still stucked kat gigi nih ).. ;( on selasa br pasang benda yg mcm cincin tuh..so,nanti leceh nak mkn lol..aduyai..dah tuh aku tampal skali gigi 2 batang..fuh...
unfortunately la kan..time sahur sakit gile! x bleh makan sgt..aduhhhh..so did an appointment dgn dentist lg..nak cabut terus..masuk2 bilik jer, aish..diff doc..she said..gigi xde problem..y nak cabut?!huhhhh?!!!!freakin stupido..
she asked me many questions..once of 'em was,
dentist: u ada sinus ker?
me: OMG!!(dalam hati ) then i said, yup!!but at early stages jer..
dentist: owh,no wonder becoz gigi u bukan satu jer sakit but byk yg sakit..sinus tuh kacau nerve-system u..so,if cabut pun..the root whatever x akan heal..but, earlier doc might be rite & I might be wrong..
but,u ada antibiotik x? u kene habis kan..
me: LOL..padan muke aku x abis kan antibiotik..(dlm ati gak)..then,i said..ada n ok..ok ok ok..
~~ceh!kene abis kan antibiotik..tp,aku nih penakut mkn obat..~~
aku dah pening..then,benda alah dlm mulot aku ni nak wat ape..aduh..
bincang2..so,aku kene dtg on thursday buat full check up on my teeth dgn boss kat situ..chief doctor aka owner clinic..x-ray terus..x sure berapa harga..aduh,kene pinjam mak duit gak nih..no wonder demam aku x kebah2..n that day (demam) mase doctor noraini asked aku u ada asthma ke..its actually sinus lah..suara aku kekadang tetibe jer serak..hingus lah..kahak lah..LOL...pening2..mcm2 hal nak kawen nih..
m not well..AGAIN..huhhh!!hahaha..LOL..since back from melaka's trip on monday..( u can view the trip's details at http://umimarsella.blogspot.com/);p tumpang lalu yer Umi...
bad headache..seriously..can't do any work/whatever..duduk jer..eh!bukan..terbaring jer..doing nothing..ceh!
then,mlm tuh mcm sakit gigi!argh!!yyyyy!!
esk pagi nyer sakit yg mencucuk2 kat some gigi at the same area!!arghhhh!!!my left mouth's area..sakit sgt!!( x puasa ) hv too..nak mkn obat..x tahan..
on friday's nite got appointment with dentist..which x puasa gak..doc said my teeth cracked..but satu jer..gigi geraham..doc tu pasang sumthing yg mcm cincin kat gigi tu to strengthen it but x muat..then,dia letak this sort of round elastic thingy ( looked like rubber band but in blue color ) to separate the gusi lah kan..(n now still stucked kat gigi nih ).. ;( on selasa br pasang benda yg mcm cincin tuh..so,nanti leceh nak mkn lol..aduyai..dah tuh aku tampal skali gigi 2 batang..fuh...
unfortunately la kan..time sahur sakit gile! x bleh makan sgt..aduhhhh..so did an appointment dgn dentist lg..nak cabut terus..masuk2 bilik jer, aish..diff doc..she said..gigi xde problem..y nak cabut?!huhhhh?!!!!freakin stupido..
she asked me many questions..once of 'em was,
dentist: u ada sinus ker?
me: OMG!!(dalam hati ) then i said, yup!!but at early stages jer..
dentist: owh,no wonder becoz gigi u bukan satu jer sakit but byk yg sakit..sinus tuh kacau nerve-system u..so,if cabut pun..the root whatever x akan heal..but, earlier doc might be rite & I might be wrong..
but,u ada antibiotik x? u kene habis kan..
me: LOL..padan muke aku x abis kan antibiotik..(dlm ati gak)..then,i said..ada n ok..ok ok ok..
~~ceh!kene abis kan antibiotik..tp,aku nih penakut mkn obat..~~
aku dah pening..then,benda alah dlm mulot aku ni nak wat ape..aduh..
bincang2..so,aku kene dtg on thursday buat full check up on my teeth dgn boss kat situ..chief doctor aka owner clinic..x-ray terus..x sure berapa harga..aduh,kene pinjam mak duit gak nih..no wonder demam aku x kebah2..n that day (demam) mase doctor noraini asked aku u ada asthma ke..its actually sinus lah..suara aku kekadang tetibe jer serak..hingus lah..kahak lah..LOL...pening2..mcm2 hal nak kawen nih..
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Ayat Kursi
Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyl qayuum, la tak khu-dzuhuu sinataunw walaa naw-um, lahuu maa fis samawaati wamaa fil-ardhi, man dzal-la-dzii yasy-fa-‘u indahuu illaa bi-idz-nihii, ya’-lamu maa bayna aydiihim, wamaa khal-fahum walaa yuhii-thuuna bi-syai-inm min’ilmihii illa bimaa syaa-a, wasi-‘a kursiy-yuhus samaawaati wal-ar-dha, walaa ya-uu-duhuu hifzhuhumaa wahuwal ‘aliy-yul azhim.
Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyl qayuum, la tak khu-dzuhuu sinataunw walaa naw-um, lahuu maa fis samawaati wamaa fil-ardhi, man dzal-la-dzii yasy-fa-‘u indahuu illaa bi-idz-nihii, ya’-lamu maa bayna aydiihim, wamaa khal-fahum walaa yuhii-thuuna bi-syai-inm min’ilmihii illa bimaa syaa-a, wasi-‘a kursiy-yuhus samaawaati wal-ar-dha, walaa ya-uu-duhuu hifzhuhumaa wahuwal ‘aliy-yul azhim.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
holy month..
today is day 16 of fasting..n I until now only able fasting for 6 days only.. (n counting..) fuhhh...hahaha..
normal issue..plus got really bad fever n still recovering..just hopefully no gastric this time.. (cos mine is really bad, like straight to hospital).. only the symptoms there,but pls no gastric...plssss...seriously..not an excuse lah (for those who might think m just being lazy what so ever).. m not that strong (immune system) after bad experience at several clinics n hospitals..in whole 6,7 months n as early as 3am!! in the morning!!gosh..n that's y I cant skip my rice meal..at least one rice meal a day..especially during lunch hour..if not, I'll easily fall ill afterwards..;(
today..only 1 month 2 weeks left until me n rizal big day..our solemnization..my god....thank you Allah swt..i've found mine..he's everything to me..he's my soul..my true luv now n forever..insyaAllah..
I just cant wait to be his wife..I really need him in my life..owhhh..hurry...pls hurry up..;p lalalala...
yesterday was my 28th bufday..n I never thought that I would be this happy! its so special coz yesterday I received countless wishes from dear frens & family of mine.. tx everyone..I spent the nite with rizal yesterday..small n early break fast @ parkson's canteen n then went to A&W for a proper break fast, lepaking etc..spent quality time together as fiance..;p
gosh..i luv u mohd.sharizal md.said..muahhhhhhh...xoxo..my future hubby..;p
Monday, August 23, 2010
this is the worse fever ever..all in one..heavy cough, bad sore throat, fever, flu, muscle pain etc..
last time ( 2 months ago ) i just got high fever..that's it..no heavy cough or flu whatsoever..
tomorrow start work..boring..need sumthing else..lalalalaaa..ahhh,so freakin bored..asyik complaint jer kan..hahaha..this what u get when u being given low paycheck, terrible allowance, bad benefits etc..huhuhu..
omg..bored!!!malas sangat nak g keje esk..helpppppppppp meeeeee!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
today m on mc..fever since last friday..only yesterday i went to clinic..m not able to drive..so freakin weak..how to drive..rite now still on my bed doing nothing!!hahaha..m sick so wat to do rite..
this past few weeks really hectic..raya set up all over place plus my weddings preparation..sucks!!
seriously i need other job..already sent cv to some companies..hopefully at least 1 will click..need a higher paycheck..please wish me luck..
last nite i went out with my sis..which really worsen my fever..arghhhh...n now i cant breath smoothly..the doc thought i might hv asthma..she asked me several time..seriously,m i?i dont want it..i need rest..i really need it..at least for my wedding day..
ahhhh...i miss him..seriously miss him a lot..only a month m gonna be his wife!!yayyy!!!but quite nervous lol..its really nerve wracking..lalalala..
today m on mc..fever since last friday..only yesterday i went to clinic..m not able to drive..so freakin weak..how to drive..rite now still on my bed doing nothing!!hahaha..m sick so wat to do rite..
this past few weeks really hectic..raya set up all over place plus my weddings preparation..sucks!!
seriously i need other job..already sent cv to some companies..hopefully at least 1 will click..need a higher paycheck..please wish me luck..
last nite i went out with my sis..which really worsen my fever..arghhhh...n now i cant breath smoothly..the doc thought i might hv asthma..she asked me several time..seriously,m i?i dont want it..i need rest..i really need it..at least for my wedding day..
ahhhh...i miss him..seriously miss him a lot..only a month m gonna be his wife!!yayyy!!!but quite nervous lol..its really nerve wracking..lalalala..
Saturday, August 7, 2010
tick tock..
now m at home..resting after long hours of working..m so stressed..
i got hectic life..
thinking of quiting my job..seriously, want to open business.. with my hubby to be..wish me luck..
plus, bz with my big day preparation..gosh..help me..
too much pressure lol..i need rest..a good one..want to go for a holiday..with him..
'thank god i found u abang..'
last nite cried infront of him again..huh..im soooo sensitive nowadays..poor abg..i donno..
too much too handle..i just need some time for myself..i couldn't take it anymore.. the paycheck too little..i need another job..which x payah bayar cukai pon coz x cukup nak makan pakai..LOL..
Thursday, April 15, 2010
macam macam..
sometimes m thought of quiting..seriously..hate it..need to find other job..
hate it with people yg suke took advantages of me..hate them a lot!!
lots of stuffs happened in these past few weeks..happy, sad, anger, miserable etc..
luv the happy parts.. especially when m with 'him'..he take good care of me..i luv u dear..tx to 'him' for always there for me..
m lookin forward for a new environment..wish me luck..
nanti la continue..daa..
Friday, March 5, 2010
i found mine..
today x sihat sket..feeling dizzy since morning..more like nak pitam..ntah la..then,after
lunch around 4pm rase letih sgt2..terlalu letih..
gosh..m dehidrated lol..bought 100 plus n drank it! ate chocolate..ok sket..went back home..
today x amik dia..m exhausted..sorry dear..sampe rumah, bad headache..ceh..penatttt...
he called me n asked,'makan nasi x td?'..huh?!lupe mkn nasi lahhhhh..no wonder..plus penat sgt...since sakit teruk dulu, memang aku x bleh skip nasi selalu..need that carbohidrat..
ahhhh....tx awak..awak memang kenal saya..;p
that is y aku rasa no one boleh faham aku..except mamat nih..salute to u dear..;p
today x sihat sket..feeling dizzy since morning..more like nak pitam..ntah la..then,after
lunch around 4pm rase letih sgt2..terlalu letih..
gosh..m dehidrated lol..bought 100 plus n drank it! ate chocolate..ok sket..went back home..
today x amik dia..m exhausted..sorry dear..sampe rumah, bad headache..ceh..penatttt...
he called me n asked,'makan nasi x td?'..huh?!lupe mkn nasi lahhhhh..no wonder..plus penat sgt...since sakit teruk dulu, memang aku x bleh skip nasi selalu..need that carbohidrat..
ahhhh....tx awak..awak memang kenal saya..;p
that is y aku rasa no one boleh faham aku..except mamat nih..salute to u dear..;p
Saturday, February 20, 2010
aku dan dia..
'cuba awak rehat for a day..awak penat tuh,mata sembab,muka pucat..bukan saya x nak kawen dgn awak tau..jgn salah faham..kesian kat awak,jgn sampai x cukup rehat..saya nak awak sihat n happy..'
emmm..x terkata mase dia bg nasihat nih td dlm kete..betul lah muka aku pucat..tido lambat,x cukup tido..x minum air secukup nyer..die memang faham aku nyer perangai..dalam ramai2, mmg die utk aku..die bleh layan karenah aku tp dlm mase yg same akan nasihat if ada benda yang x best kat mata die..huh,time die nasihat nie a bit takut sket..die susah nak marah,infact tanye lah sesape pun yg kenal die..jarang skali marah so, bile marah tuh takut lah kan..
aku plak bleh layan perangai die yg dah lah susah nak ckp dgn perempuan (tp sekarang x lagi, tx to me ),die memang susah orang nak faham..aku x tau macamana nak explain perangai die..hanya teman2 rapat yg faham..orang pun pelik macamana lah aku boleh tahan dgn tabiat die nih..including family dia..hahaha..terer kan aku..dia memang the one n only dlm hidup aku..
* aku 'awak, kite janji nak nanti after nikah kite write satu surat for each other n bagi after nikah..'everything bout us..'
** dia 'eh, dulu mak n abah saya pun buat macam tu la..dieorg bg mase memula kawen..'
hahaha,conversation aku dgn dia td..x sangka sama dgn parents dia punya perangai..terlalu byk similarity both of us..lahir bulan yg sama cuma lain tahun..seminggu beza jer..perangai lebih kurang..anak bongsu..hometown asal melaka n byk lagi lah..hehehe..
***alhamdullillah di pertemukan dgn dia..
eh,nanti sambung balik lah..bui bui..
Friday, February 19, 2010
friendship..tribute to mr.nornikmanshah..
I missed all my close friends..
m in the middle of conversation with an old fren through 'ym' when m typing these post..
(y I never think of that..) been a while we haven't seeing each other..
we chat,chat n chat..n she's happy for me who'll gettin hitch these next few months..the tomboy gettin hitch!!;p
ahhh, miss the old times we're together..those uitm years..
**to the mens n womens who's close to me..i miss all of u..
*including you my beloved mr.nornikmanshah..
al-fatihah for you my dearly fren..I still remember that day..i've just got back home
( not remember from where ) in ampang when a fren of mine ( whom ym with me just now )
called me & told that u have passed away..
what?! at first i thought she's just messed out with me..
( not remember from where ) in ampang when a fren of mine ( whom ym with me just now )
called me & told that u have passed away..
what?! at first i thought she's just messed out with me..
seriously,how could these happened? she said that you n other friends were back in pangkor island when the accident happened..you tried to saved some of them from drowning instead you drowned yourself..the most heroic action but sad for us to remember u,nik..;(
m cried a lot coz you r my 1st male friends and we was really2 closed..
and from that moment i've said to maself that i wont go to pangkor island..i wont..
i went tu ur funeral and saw ur body lying there..I saw ur face smiling..yup,smiling..
u was such a good fren i ever had..everyone cried..
u was such a good fren i ever had..everyone cried..
i luv you my dear fren..m crying..
will edit more..
will edit more..
Thursday, February 18, 2010
gettin hitched..
rite now m bz in preparing maself n everything for the big day..just a few months to go n still tons of work need to be done..
me as visual merchandiser, off course I want everything to be perfect..am sure,every gurl want their wedding day to be as gorgeous as they can be..sigh..m not complaining..m just afraid if m not able to handle the pressure..huhuhu..help me..;p
every seconds count from now on..
while my body do all my vm's workloads, my mind keep the momentum in processing any images/photos/ideas/colors/etc that i can use for my big day..
thanks to my sis who introduced me to google docs last year..easy for me to note everything that I may forgot..every details every ideas..fuh..
thanks to my sis who introduced me to google docs last year..easy for me to note everything that I may forgot..every details every ideas..fuh..
my fiance..
*tadi dia ckp 'makesure jgn stress sgt mase wedding day tuh..bg job2 tu kat one person yg awak bleh trust..biar dia handle semua for the day'..aku memikirkan benda yg sama gak..nanti aku kelam kabut..hati x senang..ahhh,i luv u sayang..tx for faham saya..memang awak faham saya lah..;p
note: lots and lots things to buy and prepare..huhuhu..
my man: he's enjoying his life,down to earth,understand me,
and the most important thing is he adapt with my life as I do with his..
he knows me well enough to fall in luv with me..that's y I luv him..;p
the beginning..
hiyeee!!welcome to the world of me..
~innocientlife blogspot~
my so-called journal, only me, me and me..;p
my so-called journal, only me, me and me..;p
this journal is my interpretation of life..what's, who's, where's..journey of whatever hip and happening..anything that revolves around me..whatever I feel, experience, love etc..
feel free to drop any comment and suggestion..
feel free to drop any comment and suggestion..
m new in these blogger's scene..
do not judge me..me is just me..enjoy!!
~happy reading!!~
do not judge me..me is just me..enjoy!!
~happy reading!!~
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