m sad a bit (konon)... tonite/today > Man Utd draw to Everton.. Nadal won the Monte Carlo's title (tennis)..buttt, team Lotus got 2nd & 3rd place in F1!wuhuuu!! hahaha..
enough with sport..laki aku la nih..dok racun tgk sport..;p
enough with sport..laki aku la nih..dok racun tgk sport..;p
talked bout sport..x lama lagi Olympic rite..my special someone is going..;( as volunteer..gonna miss u bro..Abg Apis..quite some time haven't meet you bro..meanwhile good friend of me (also Apis), Ash now on his way to Kabul for humanitarian mission..May Allah protect you Ash.. You so brave Ash..InsyaAllah..
well, m sooo tired..rite now its raining outside..sgt panas yer..nothing much to do..so watch tv and surf internet..Mr.Hubby said suddenly teringat Krispy Creme's Donuts at Times Square..yeah,dulu masa before tunang,we went there for its Grand Opening lah..a day after opening to be exact..then, we sat in one corner and chit chat etc..
suddenly the manager came to us and asked,
M: r you both married..?
Us: well,not yet..next 2 years..y?
M: owh, I saw both of you just now and both looks so happy together..so,I was thinking to offer a sponsorship of our donuts on ur big day.. maybe as a gift..
Us: we was like,What?!OMG!!but, hurmmm..our big day is in 2 years time..so, m so sorry..m afraid no thanks..(dalam hati, mmg la nak tp lama nak wait..takut Krispy Creme's nih wait lama sgt plak..)
M: owh, maybe we shall meet again next time..good luck both of you..
Us: owh, yeah, perhaps..
but, nahhh..takde rezeki..segan kot nak g sana ask for sponsorship..
now, we already married..a years and a half..and still counting!InsyaAllah..
Doakan for baby plak..;p
suddenly the manager came to us and asked,
M: r you both married..?
Us: well,not yet..next 2 years..y?
M: owh, I saw both of you just now and both looks so happy together..so,I was thinking to offer a sponsorship of our donuts on ur big day.. maybe as a gift..
Us: we was like,What?!OMG!!but, hurmmm..our big day is in 2 years time..so, m so sorry..m afraid no thanks..(dalam hati, mmg la nak tp lama nak wait..takut Krispy Creme's nih wait lama sgt plak..)
M: owh, maybe we shall meet again next time..good luck both of you..
Us: owh, yeah, perhaps..
but, nahhh..takde rezeki..segan kot nak g sana ask for sponsorship..
now, we already married..a years and a half..and still counting!InsyaAllah..
Doakan for baby plak..;p